Dr. Lorna Andrade talked about the presentation of the NAACP Film at the Oak Bluffs Library that related to Maternal Mortality and how well received it was. While maternal mortality has risen significantly in the US over all, Black and Brown women have been dying at even higher rates during delivery regardless of their socioeconomic and educational status. Sandy Pimentel talked about how impressed she was with the film. She said that the two things she got out of it was the importance of protocols and the significant difference there is with empathy. Dr. Dunlap said that he had seen the film and that he felt that accessibility is the first and final factor in the scenario. Sandy suggested that Dr Jordan Cohen be contacted to see if there can be a connection to the GOLD Foundation. They strongly believe that compassion is essential to good medical care across the board.
Dr. Lorna also mentioned that six patients who were POC had been diagnosed and were being treated for prostate cancer. She said the expense of traveling to Boston and paying for a place to stay and treatment was very challenging for these men. She said that the NAACP contributed to the Island Cancer group to help them out.
Amy Houghton talked about the Respectful Maternity Care Project at MV Hospital. She said that with the training of nurses and staff, there had been a positive improvement of 20% reported among POC. Dr Dunlap stated that many patients who have negative feelings don’t report them. Amy agreed. There was then a consensus that the improvement had indicated that the staff training was having an impact.
Betsy Edge of Health Imperatives (Family Planning) said that they were doing their best to fill the needs of patients in spite of needing more staff. They have a Nurse Practitioner, but need additional support. While they have identified a person, they need more funding, and if the person is hired, training will be required.
Amy Houghton reported that the hospital, with ACE, Island Healthcare others offered a training in the fall that led to a certification process for medical providers. Subsequently the MV Hospital hired four new staff members. In addition, Island Healthcare has hired two, and Cape Cod Community College has hired one.
In addition, they have supported a Junior Seminar at the MVRH that offered life skill training that included jobs related to healthcare
Amy Houghton: Priorities for the Hospital Include:
- Equity/ Buprenorphine (It is offered less often to Black patients to treat addiction)
- Reduce C sections in Brazilian women ( they are currently higher)
- Mental Health support services
The MV Hospital is currently collecting data to better evaluate inequities for POC and seniors
When patients come in they are asked about:
- Medication
- Mental Health
- What matters most to them
Dr. Lorna suggested that we focus on Blood Pressure and Joyce Tucker Styles will work with her. Dr. Lorna later agreed that an education initiative with providers and MVTV would work
Amy reported that the MV Hospitals making headway in recruiting a diverse medical team, including those in positions of leadership. These include:
- The Chief of Cardiology
- The Chief of Orthopedics
- The Head Nurse in the Emergency Room
- Staff anesthesiologist.