From various sources and contributors, assembled by Lynn Ditchfield and Shari Geistfeld for MVDC Education Committee – special thanks to A Long Talk
10/26/20 East Germany’s Love Affair With Angela Davis
10/19/20 Angela Davis Still Believes American Can Change -The Greats – Intersectionality
10/16/20 Which Constitution Is Amy Coney Barrett Talking About?
10/13/20 Megan Thee Stallion: Why I Speak Up for Black Women
10/9/20 Artist Chanee Choi’s 3D video game ‘Pandemic’ looks at racism during COVID-19
9/11/20 MA Racial Disparity Report/ Harvard Law
9/8/20 NYT Lesson: How Black Lives Matter Reached Every Corner of America
9/5/20 White House directs federal agencies to cancel race-related training sessions it calls ‘un-American propaganda
9/1/20 It’s Time to Dismantle Caste in the US
8/30/20 Malcolm X, Laurence Fishburne and ‘the Theater of Your Mind’
8/28/20 Helping teachers and principals confront their own racism
8/26/20 Ava Duvernay interviews Angela Davis on This Moment and What Came Before
8/26/20 Truth and Redistribution: How to fix the racial wealth gap, end plutocracy, and build Black Power
8/25/20 ‘We Didn’t Expect to See You’: Racism and Profiling on Katahdin
8/24/20 The Life of Breanna Taylor Lived in the Words of Her Mother
8/11/20 Measuring Implicit Bias in Schools: A new study finds evidence that teachers’ implicit bias may lead to unequal student outcomes
7/16/20 He Led a Black Lives Matter Protest in His Town. A burning Cross Couldn’t Stop Him
7/15/20 She gets people talking Healing Justice St. Paul engages youth through the power of words
7/10/20 Yeah, Let’s Not Talk About Race
7/8/20 The Color of Coronavirus. Covid-19 Deaths By Race And Ethnicity in the U.S.
7/5/20 What Happened In Bethel Ohio?
7/4/20 A Teacher Held a Famous Racism Exercise in 1968. She’s Still at It
7/4/20 Frederick Douglass – 2020 Virtual Reading (organized by Renaissance House Abby McGrath with Makani Themba and MVTV Michelle Vivian-Jemison) – What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
7/4/20 Black America, Through a Camera
7/3/20 Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History
July2020 Speak Up At School: How to respond to everyday prejudice, Bias, and Stereotypes
6/22/20 The Trayvon Generation
6/19/20 “The History That James Baldwin Wanted America To See” For Baldwin, the past had always been bent in service of a lie. Could a true story be told? By Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.
6/19/20 What Does it Mean to Be a Black Immigrant in the United States?
Teaching Tolerance
6/10/20 How to Talk About Race at Protests With Your Kids, Explained By A Child Psychologist
6/10/20 Black Teacher Archives to Launch at Harvard University Jarvis Givens and Imani Perry
6/5/20 Talking to Kids about Racism
6/2/20 Zenju Earthlyn Manuel Darkness is Asking To Be Loved author of The Way of Tenderness: Awakening Through Race, Sexuality, and Gender (2015)
5/29/20: NYT: “’I Can’t Breathe”: 4 Minnepolis Officers Fired After Black Man Dies in Custody’ lesson plan
5/12/20 “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America” by Ibram X. Kendi
3/20/20 How to Respond to Coronavirus Racism: As COVID-19 infections increase, so too does racism and xenophobia. Use our “Speak Up” strategies to let people know you’re not OK with racist or xenophobic comments about coronavirus or anything else.
2/14/20 There Have Been 10 Black Senators Since Emancipation
1/17/20 The Injustice of This Moment Is Not an ‘Aberration’: From mass incarceration to mass deportation, our nation remains in deep denial
11/8/19 The ‘Lost Cause’ That Built Jim Crow: The Southern “Redeemers” snuffed out the first black power movement.
11/1/19 Uprooting Systematic Bias in Schools
9/7/19 The Lost Promise of Reconstruction: Can we reanimate the dream of freedom that Congress tried to enact in the wake of the Civil War?
2/26/19 White Women Were Avid Slaveowners, a New Book Shows: They Were Her Property Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers; Empire of Cotton Sven Beckert; The Half Has Never Been Told Edward Baptist; River of Dark Dreams Walter Johnson; Accounting for Slavery Caitlin Rosenthal
11/5/18 Black Rebellion and the Political Imaginations of African American Teachers by Jarvis R. Givens
2017 W.E.B.Du Bois’s Little-Known Arresting Modernist Data Vusualizations of Black Life for the World’s Fair 1900
6/2014 “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates
List of articles from Gutman Library @ Harvard Graduate School of Education:
A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza
“How you can be a better coworker to your black colleagues right now” by Soo Youn, The Lily
‘To create lasting change, we must sustain this anti-racist work beyond the heat of the moment’ by Jennifer Rich, Hechinger Report
“Are You Supporting White Supremacy?” by Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt, Inside Higher Education