The Black Party 2022
August 6, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
If you’ve never heard of or attended a Black Party before, join the crowd. We just made it up. Now we recognize that you may have some questions…
Why is it called a BLACK party?
The naming of The Black Party comes from a play on words of the more traditional “block party” concept, combined with the ironic tradition of Black people on MV throwing “white parties”. While white parties refer to dress code, for us, the Black party refers to partying with a purpose.
Is EVERYONE invited, or just Black people?
Of course, everyone is invited to celebrate with us. We are community builders.
What does “Party with a Purpose” mean?
At A Long Talk we are known for having uncomfortable conversations about racism and asking questions that help all of us gain a deeper understanding of its impact. Admittedly our mission and purpose carry a lot of weight and while we work 24/7/365 to eradicate racism and dismantle white supremacy in America, we also love to turn up, chill out, and party down when we get the chance!
We have worked diligently over the past year with Martha’s Vineyard organizations and businesses to further our anti-racism education that leads into our Pillars of Change network. Our flagship, Community of Change partnership with Martha’s Vineyard has been rewarding and successful, with over 200 people of the island participating in our activation. The Black Party is a culminating celebration of those partnerships and work.
Why should I attend the Black Party?
There are many reasons to attend and bring your family. Overall, this is a community event that will feature and highlight our partners. Learn more about the work the boots on the ground partners have been doing here on the island. We are also happy to announce the participation of Color of Change, a national organization whose mission is to fight racism in media.
Highlights of the event include –
Music – there is no Black party without music and we have DJ Rog spinning all day
Kickball – sign up for the kickball tournament
Community vendors – no sales, just information and good conversations
Spades & Dominoes – opportunities to learn how to play or just pull up to a table and jump into a game
Children’s Village sponsored by Color of Change with face painting, storytelling, fun & games
Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Allies & Love.